Informed decision-making occurs when you are able to arrive at the best procedure to follow to complete a task after careful consideration of all the components needed to do a job.
As a museum docent working with the curator, it is important that we have clear ideas developed of how to reach and hold our visiting audience. Through the classes that I have taken several key processes where used to help me develop a method of creating a more technology based lesson for the Outreach Program by preparing a Grant Proposal Brief, develop a purpose statement and create several types of multimedia presentations in order to achieve this goal. These three items where done in ETEC 579 and it was a new aspect of lesson and tool development for me.
Purpose Statement Grant Proposal Brief Multimedia Presentation
During the 2000-01 school year I had to develop a program of study for refugee students who where newly relocated to the United States that had limited English Proficiency. They where just developing their acclamation to a new country, community, and school. Many of them had spent years in refugee camps in lands that where not their native homes. Lessons had to be developed for them that where picture rich that described what they were expected to do in the outdoor setting of the school environment where I taught. Each lesson had to accompany many descriptive pictures rather than words to communicate to the students. Any lesson PowerPoint had to have short videos embedded that showed them what they were going to do without much verbal directions. The videos came from United Streaming, a collection of related science videos. The program was designed to accompany basic science concepts that they needed to know for their grade levels. These lessons where used to help them make connections with the lessons they where learning in class with real life experiences. The program was a huge success and the children really enjoyed and appreciated the chance to be outdoors. At the time these lessons where developed was before multimedia presentations where encouraged by the district and before the STaR technology emphasis began across the state.
Sample of the PowerPoint Lesson Sample of the outdoor activity
In ETEC 562 we had to complete a group project on Teaching/Learning Theorists. It was the groups assignment to choose several famous researchers and decide on a method of presenting their theories and how it impacted education of modern times. There where four team members that worked in pairs to write about a theorists and compare and contrast their methodology to today's applications. The task was to create a lesson in our related fields that would represent their teaching model. This was challenging, but with the help of the team we were able to create an excellent presentation representing the two theorists: Piaget and Vygotsky. This was an excellent endeavor which pushed me into other areas of technology development because we had to create a multimedia presentation to accompany the work. Both Piaget and Vygotsky formulated cognitive development theories that were built on a constructivist approach to learning. Since I am a strong advocate to Vygotsky's+ theory it was really an enriching experience. I learned several new technology practices; working through Google Docs to create with team members, creating a multimedia lesson, even through it did not contain any voice monitoring, developing a lesson through a technology app called Nearpod, and helping to create an online Venn diagram to display the compare and contrast aspects of the two theorist. Another thing I learned to create a unit proposal for using a multimedia piece.
Nearpod Lesson Unit Proposal for a Lesson Cognitive Development Theorist Study
As a museum docent working with the curator, it is important that we have clear ideas developed of how to reach and hold our visiting audience. Through the classes that I have taken several key processes where used to help me develop a method of creating a more technology based lesson for the Outreach Program by preparing a Grant Proposal Brief, develop a purpose statement and create several types of multimedia presentations in order to achieve this goal. These three items where done in ETEC 579 and it was a new aspect of lesson and tool development for me.
Purpose Statement Grant Proposal Brief Multimedia Presentation
During the 2000-01 school year I had to develop a program of study for refugee students who where newly relocated to the United States that had limited English Proficiency. They where just developing their acclamation to a new country, community, and school. Many of them had spent years in refugee camps in lands that where not their native homes. Lessons had to be developed for them that where picture rich that described what they were expected to do in the outdoor setting of the school environment where I taught. Each lesson had to accompany many descriptive pictures rather than words to communicate to the students. Any lesson PowerPoint had to have short videos embedded that showed them what they were going to do without much verbal directions. The videos came from United Streaming, a collection of related science videos. The program was designed to accompany basic science concepts that they needed to know for their grade levels. These lessons where used to help them make connections with the lessons they where learning in class with real life experiences. The program was a huge success and the children really enjoyed and appreciated the chance to be outdoors. At the time these lessons where developed was before multimedia presentations where encouraged by the district and before the STaR technology emphasis began across the state.
Sample of the PowerPoint Lesson Sample of the outdoor activity
In ETEC 562 we had to complete a group project on Teaching/Learning Theorists. It was the groups assignment to choose several famous researchers and decide on a method of presenting their theories and how it impacted education of modern times. There where four team members that worked in pairs to write about a theorists and compare and contrast their methodology to today's applications. The task was to create a lesson in our related fields that would represent their teaching model. This was challenging, but with the help of the team we were able to create an excellent presentation representing the two theorists: Piaget and Vygotsky. This was an excellent endeavor which pushed me into other areas of technology development because we had to create a multimedia presentation to accompany the work. Both Piaget and Vygotsky formulated cognitive development theories that were built on a constructivist approach to learning. Since I am a strong advocate to Vygotsky's+ theory it was really an enriching experience. I learned several new technology practices; working through Google Docs to create with team members, creating a multimedia lesson, even through it did not contain any voice monitoring, developing a lesson through a technology app called Nearpod, and helping to create an online Venn diagram to display the compare and contrast aspects of the two theorist. Another thing I learned to create a unit proposal for using a multimedia piece.
Nearpod Lesson Unit Proposal for a Lesson Cognitive Development Theorist Study